

May 11, 2022: Capacity Markets and the Clean Energy Transition

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As the United States transitions to a clean energy economy, capacity markets will need to respond to changes in demand, energy sources, and technologies. Join Resources for the Future (RFF) on Wednesday, May 11, for an in-depth discussion on the role capacity markets can play in the transition to a decarbonized electricity system.

Join “Capacity Markets and the Clean Energy Transition,” Wednesday, May 11 from 11 AM – 12:15 PM, Eastern Time. Use this link to register for the Zoom event:

Speakers will include:


  • Todd Aagaard, Villanova University, Resources for the Future
  • Andrew Kleit, Pennsylvania State University
  • Melissa Lavinson, Exelon
  • Thomas Rutigliano, Sustainable FERC, Natural Resources Defense Council
  • Karen Palmer, Resources for the Future (Moderator)

Read more for the full event details.

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