Rural Success Story

Lac du Flambeau Ojibwe Tribe Will be its Own Internet Provider Thanks to IIJA

A $25 million Infrastructure, Investments, and Jobs Act (IIJA) grant through the National Telecommunications and Information Administration of the U.S. Department of Commerce will...

Recognizing Child Care as a Public Good, Nevada Taps More ARP Dollars for Subsidies

Nevada is expanding the recognition of the necessity of child care as a public good by bringing $50 million more in American Rescue Plan...

ARPA Sends $3 Million for the Workforce of Clifton Forge, Virginia

Clifton Forge, a town of 3,555 people in Alleghany County, Virginia, is receiving a $3 million investment from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA)...

Environmental Benefits Flowing to Louisiana from the IIJA

In Louisiana, the Infrastructure, Investments, and Jobs Act (IIJA) money is being used to cap orphaned oil wells that are polluting critical wildlife habitats...

EDA’s $595K ARPA Investment to Help Wyoming Energy Transition Communities Gain Sustainability

The EDA has granted the Wyoming Energy Authority (WEA) $595,000 in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds to establish the Wyoming Energy Regional Economic...