

Recognizing Child Care as a Public Good, Nevada Taps More ARP Dollars for Subsidies

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Nevada is expanding the recognition of the necessity of child care as a public good by bringing $50 million more in American Rescue Plan (ARP) dollars to increase the income threshold for child care subsidies, permanently.

The American Rescue Plan (ARP)’s $24 billion  Child Care Stabilization Program prevented the US economy from collapsing under the weight of care work during the pandemic; in Nevada, this meant 71% of counties covering vast expanses of rural Nevada and 645 child care providers received support. Both child care centers and child care family homes are receiving support, and the program has kept over 200,000 providers open through pressures that could have forced them to close.

Increasing access to child care is a critical factor for restabilizing the US economy and the child care workers, overwhelmingly women and largely women of color, are integral to US economic strength.

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