Tag: Increase jobs and wages

Briefing: Data Resourses for Rural Prosperity PART II – Navigating Grants.gov

Join RuralOrganizing.org Education Fund and Grants.gov personnel for a learning session on navigating available data resources to help small towns and rural communities move...

Conflict of Interest Habits Spread from Oil and Gas to Offshore Wind Development

Difficulties in transitioning the US to renewable energy is not limited to your on-shore town. Off-shore wind is growing at break-neck pace as a part...

Rural Voters Want Good Jobs – They Are Coming from the IRA

Polling from RuralOrganizing.org has shown consistently over 5 years that rural constituents want increases in jobs and wages, decreases in daily costs, and improved...

Daycare Relief in Lake Crystal Thanks to USDA Rural Development Community Facilities Program

After a year of operation, Little Lakers, a nonprofit child care center is booming with a waiting list nearly a year long. It is...

Conservatives Say Bring the Renewable Energy, Leave the Climate Talk

Conservative states are getting attention for embracing renewable energy while avoiding the language of climate change this week after The Economist profiled several Texas...

Success stories:

"The Personal Trainer program made getting in the best shape of my life really fun. The recipes are tasty and easy to cook!"

Mariana Lima


"Thomas has completely outdone himself with this course. Efficient workouts, delicious recipes and support!"

Jon Pata
