

Building the Rural Opportunity Economy

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Democracy is all about solving big problems by working together to find the best solutions for everyone. 

Whether we are Black, white or brown, Native or newcomer, transgender or not, we want the freedom to direct our own lives, have a fair shot, and feel safe in our community where we are valued, respected, included–and our rights are not only protected but also expanded.  

We believe that when democracy is successful…

  • Our freedoms are expanded, not restricted.
  • Everyone, especially people who have been marginalized in the past, has their basic needs met.
  • Necessities, like transportation, training, and childcare, are available for us to pursue our dreams.
  • Families have the resources and support needed to grow if, when, and how they choose.
  • Elected officials invest in individual and community well-being in remote rural areas and more populated urban centers.
  • Residents are empowered to make changes that improve fairness and equality in their communities.
  • Households feel financially secure instead of one bad day away from a crisis.
  • Our environment makes us healthier rather than makes us sick.
  • Local taxpayer dollars prioritize a high local quality of life and community connections.
  • When we face a crisis, we all have the needed people, finances, and services to respond.

For democracy in rural America to thrive, rural folks need to see that their time contributing to democracy improves their lives. However, as we know, absolute power corrupts absolutely, and rather than pursuing what’s best for our communities through the democratic process, some elected officials and their powerful allies use racism and discrimination to keep us divided and suppress our rights to maintain their control. 

When democracy fails to meet our basic needs in rural America, we can follow the money in our politics to find the disconnect. Big corporations and Wall Street monopolies often work to take away our rights and silence everyday people to protect their wealth and power. 

Other times, federal programs with the best intentions designed to ensure financial stability, healthy environments, and security lack a rural lens, so these policies repeatedly fail to reach rural places or meet rural needs. A true, authentic Rural Prosperity Agenda promotes federal policy that creates more jobs, better wages, and lower poverty. It also ensures that these programs reach all communities by streamlining the government process so that any federal agency can be a pathway to rural thriving.

RuralProgress is leading legislative solutions to improve wages and lower costs, supporting our partners with additional legislative rural solutions, and standing in solidarity with allies.


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