

Rural Playbook Tour Stop Number Three: Pittson, Pennsylvania

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The Biden-Harris Administration is investing $43M for new program to support rural health care providers.

U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Secretary Tom Vilsack yesterday announced the Emergency Rural Health Care Grants  to benefit 2.2 million people who live and work in rural America through 93 awards to health care organizations and community groups in 22 states. This is the latest program under the American Rescue Plan to effectively reach small towns and rural communities with much needed funding.

The program expands rural hospitals and providers’ access to COVID-19 vaccines, testing, and supplies, while helping rural health care providers stay financially solvent in the long-term.

Pittston, Pennsylvania, the location where Vilsack made the announcement of the grants, is using their $226,900 grant to buy emergency care gear through the Greater Pittston Regional Ambulance Association.

“Under the leadership of President Biden and Vice President Harris, USDA mobilized our staff and resources to respond in record time to improve the long-term viability of rural health care providers and services across this nation,” Vilsack said. “USDA used an all-hands-on-deck approach to create the Emergency Rural Health Care Grants program to address a variety of immediate health care needs and services in rural communities. The American Rescue Plan Act and this program are examples of the government’s ability to respond quickly to ensure every person and family has access to high-quality health care no matter their zip code.”

In addition to COVID-19 provisions, the grants will support implementation of telehealth and nutrition assistance programs, as well as investing in facilities improvements and medical supplies.

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